Sunday, 4 October 2020

Down The TBR Hole #4


The rules   

  1. Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  2. Order on ascending date added.
  3. Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if youre feeling adventurous) books. Of course if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  4. Read the synopses of the books
  5. Decide: keep it or should it go?

Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King

I am still interested in reading this book, I haven't read any of A.S King before but I know a lot of people like her writing and she's definitely an author I want try in the future.
Verdict: Keep
You know when you just know a book is no longer pulling you in or interesting you? That's the feeling I'm getting from this book. I think I probably would have picked this up back when it was published but now I just don't see myself ever getting to it.

Verdict: Remove

This synopsis is give me major Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibes but I'm just worried it might turn out to be a bit cheesy? I don't know, I think I might still give this a shot.
Verdict: Keep
I definitely still want to read this book. I don't own it but I think it's one I'll be able to get from my library. So many people love Ruta Sepetys's books and I'm also really interested in reading some of her newer releases as well.
Verdict: Keep

2000's paranormal fantasy with a generic synopsis. Sorry but no thanks...
Verdict: Remove

I remember this being one of the first books I ever bought on Kindle and my mum not being keen on me reading it because I was fourteen and there were mentions of sex in the synopsis! Well, my mum had nothing to worry about because it's been nearly ten years and I still haven't read it! It's still on my kindle though so I'll probably get around to it someday.
Verdict: Keep
The whole descendent of dragons thing sounds cool but again paranormal romance just isn't really my jam and I don't think I'd ever really pick this up on my own.
Verdict: Remove
Normally witches would be totally my thing but this has got some really low ratings and some reviews mention stuff that I really don't want to read about so I think this one is going.
Verdict: Remove

I was going to give this a chance but a lot of reviews mention that this super fluffy and cutesy and I think I'm just past that stage in my reading. I think there are other mermaid centric books out there with a bit more depth.

Verdict: Remove

A lot of people have been saying this is an underrated gem and I haven't read many books that handle the topic of refugees and immigration so I'd like to pick this up in the future.
Verdict: Keep

This Week:

Kept: 5
Removed: 5 

Kept: 20
Removed: 20
I'm really sticking to this keeping it equal thing, huh? I'm going to try and be a little tougher next week though! 

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