Tuesday 1 September 2020

Top Ten Tuesday | Books That Make Me Hungry

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature that highlights ten books that all relate to a certain topic and is  hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Weeks Topic Is... 

Books That Make Me Hungry. I actually had to do a bit of googling for this topic as I could only think of a few off the top of my head but I had a lot of fun and yes, I did get hungry whilst doing it but I also found a few more books to add to my TBR!


Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer

Scrolling through Goodreads and I stumbled upon this book that I'd never heard of. It's a contemporary YA that revolves around a teenaged girl who moves to rural Wisconsin to run a diner with her aunt. This sounds short and sweet and I love the idea of a small town diner being the main setting in a book. Also, I just really love pie.

Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto 

I knew I wanted to include a book that looked at a foreign countries cuisine and whilst I don't think I'd be a big fan of Japanese food, (hands up if you're a picky eater!) I think I'd still enjoy reading about it. From the synopsis, this novel combines a love of cooking with dealing with grief and loss whilst forming a new family.

The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

I actually picked this book up in a charity shop last year and of course I still haven't gotten around to reading it yet! I know this got turned into a film starring Dakota Fanning and Queen Latifah and it sounds like a really interesting novel that follows a family of beekeepers with a feminist focus.

With The Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevado 

This is another book I already own and I'm still waiting to be in the right mood to pick it up. It follows a high school senior who dreams of being a chef but feels held back by her responsibilities of being a teenage mother. This has so many rave reviews from people I love on booktube and twitter so I went ahead and picked this up on a whim. I actually have another of Elizabeth Acevado's books on reserve at my library (Clap When You Land) that I'll probably be reading in October so I'll be able to see if I enjoy her writing or not before picking this one up.

Notes on a Scandal by Zoë Heller

Another book that got turned into a film although this one doesn't actually have anything to do with food! I know this novel examines the taboo subject of a student-teacher relationship although I think the main focus is on the relationship between the teacher and a work colleague that discovers the affair. This is a book that I've wanted to read for a long time so hopefully I'll be able to pick it up in the future.

Southern Fried by Cathy Pickens  

I love a good cozy mystery and they're something of a guilty pleasure when it comes to my reading choices. There are also so many cozy mysteries surrounding food but this one caught my eye as I love the sound of the southern setting and the MC moving back to her hometown and getting pulled into the middle of a murder case, it just sounded right up my street.

Sweetbitter by Stephanie Danler 

I seem to be getting a lot of my recommendations from films or tv shows that I've heard about in passing! This book was turned into a tv series that follows a women in her early twenties who moves to New York City and starts working as a waitress in a fancy restaurant and is at it's core a coming of age story as she finds herself amid the chaos of the city. It's got mixed reviews but I'd really like to watch the series so I should probably read the book first.

Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky

These last three books are all non-fiction and whilst a book written about salt is probably the last thing I'd think to pick up and read, this is a suprisingly popular book on Goodreads. I'm always open to trying new things and I have a penchant for quirky books about obscure topics so I'm actually wanting to give this a go. I think the name gives it a way a bit but essentially this is a book about salt and it's unexpected journey through history.

Eat Up! by Ruby Tandoh

I actually only know about this book because I'm a massive Great British Bake Off fan and Ruby was a contestant on the show a couple of years ago and was one of my favourites that year. This combines so many different topics such as feminism, self help and mental illness to make this sound like so much more than just a cookbook. I love her instagram page so I'm hopeful I'll love her book just as much.

Grand Forks: A History of American Dining in 100 Reviews by Marilyn Hagerty 

The last book on this list is actually one I've already read and it's one of the first books that came to mind when I saw the topic for this week. This was a really fun and unconventional read as it's essentially reviews of various local restaurants in Grand Forks, South Dakota compiled together by a food critic writing for the local newspaper. It's incredibly charming and it was just a joy to read about her food journey starting all the way back in the 50's, she even reviews her local Taco Bell which I thought was great!  
Have you read any of the books on my list this week? What books make you super hungry? Leave a comment or link your own Top Ten Tuesday's for me to check out!



  1. I like that cover on Hope Was Here (think I could do an entire post on books with pies on the cover...might do that), different from the cover on the book I read last November. Well worth reading.

    I love Great British Bake Off, too, and I remember Ruby. I'll look for Eat Up.

  2. With the Fire On High is a popular pick this week! I've heard so many great things about the book and based on how basically everyone has become hungry reading it, I'm sure I'll be the same 😂 Great picks!

  3. With the Fire on High is such a great read! Hope you get to pick it up soon.

  4. 100 reviews, that would be some tasty reading. https://pmprescott.blogspot.com/2020/08/ttt-090120.html

  5. I love a cosy mystery and one that has some fried chicken on the cover sounds even better haha! Gonna have to get my hands on Southern Fried. Love the post :)

  6. I had to do a lot of Googling for my list as well. And, yeah, now I'm DEFINITELY hungry :)

    Happy TTT!

  7. The Secret Life of Bees is a great book for this topic! I forgot about it.

  8. I've not read any of these! I'll have to check them out. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.


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