So, I'd like to say that I'm back but who knows cause I said this last time and then disappeared for almost an entire year. I had a sudden spurge of inspiration to start posting again in early August but decided to wait until September so I could have a brand new month to start posting in. Life's been crazy over the past few months. Not only are we still in a worldwide pandemic but i'm just now coming out of one of the worst reading slumps I've ever been in. I don't know if it's because of the Covid situation but I've only read a small handful of books between March and July. I think I'm out of the worst of it now though so fingers crossed I don't have any problems for the rest of the year.
I'd also like to say that I'm massively missing my local library as they've now been shut since March and there's no definite date of when they're reopening so for once all the books on my physical TBR are books that I actually own myself. This is probably a good thing as I own far too many books (seriously, they're now being stacked on my floor cause I've ran out of space on shelves and under my bed...) and now I can actually make a dent in what seems to just be an endless pile of books.
I've got a bit of a random selection this month but most of the books on my TBR are ones that I've owned for a while or books that I've said I'm going to read and still haven't gotten around to it. I've been a bit hit and miss with John Green books, as I've gotten older I've been enjoying his books less and less but I still own two that I haven't read. So, I'm going to give him another go with An Abundance of Katherines and see how I feel although my expectations are pretty low with this one. I've also neglected my Netgalley ARC's for almost a year so I need to catch up and read some backlist titles to get my ratio back up.
My classic for the month is going to be Rebecca by Daphne De Maurier. I've had this one for a while but I've bumped it up to this month's TBR as there's a Netflix adaptation coming out in October starring Lily James and Armie Hammer which I'm really intrigued by.
Lastly, my non-fiction read for September is Man is Wolf to Man by Janusz Bardach. I'd never heard of this book before my dad leant it to me a couple of months ago, and I feel like I should have read it and given it back by now! From the synopsis it sounds like it's going to be a brutal read about the atrocities endured in Stalin's labor camps, a part of history I don't read too much about.
Physical Books
- Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
- Sister Noon by Karen Joy Fowler
- Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
- An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
- Rebecca by Daphne De Maurier
- Man is Wolf to Man by Janusz Bardach & Kathleen Gleeson
- No Exit by Taylor Adams
- 100 Days of Sunlight by Abbie Emmons
- The Art of Taxidermy by Sharon Kernot
- The Five by Hallie Rubenhold
What are you planning on reading in September? Have you read any on my
TBR? Leave a comment or link your own September TBR's for me to check out!
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