Friday, 18 September 2020

Book Tag | How I Choose My Books


I didn't have a book review to post for later in the week so I did what I usually do and went in search of a book tag as a substitute! I'm not quite sure who created this tag so comment if you know who it was so I can link them!

Find a book on your bookshelves with a blue cover. What made you want to pick up this book?

The first book that I spotted on my shelves with blue on the cover was It's Not Ok to Feel Blue and Other Lies by Scarlett Curtis. I picked this one up because I already owned Feminists Don't Wear Pink and Other Lies by the same author but of course I still haven't read either of them! I haven't really read any collections of essays before and I've heard good things about these collections plus some of the contributors I absolutely adore, cough Soairse Ronan cough.   

Think of a book you didn’t expect to enjoy, but did. Why did you read it in the first place?

The Reader on the 6.27 by Jean-Paul Didierlaurent wasn't initially a book I was going to pick up as it was a book my mother owned and I then kept after she passed away. I think I was going through her books one day and I was reading the blurb of this one and saw that someone had compared it in style to the film Amelie which is one of my favourite films so I decided to give it a chance. And I loved it! It was so charming and heartwarming and was just really lovely book.

Stand in front of your bookshelf with your eyes closed and pick a book at random. How did you discover this book? 


It's no secret that I adore Morgan Matson's books and I own them all but The Unexpected Everything is the only one I have left to read. So I think I discovered it just by following everything that she releases and wanting to own all of her books.  

Pick a book that someone personally recommended to you. What did you think of it?

Murder in the Graveyard by Don Hale was a true crime book recommended to me by my Dad. This recommendation was a suprise really because my dad mostly reads history and travel books whilst my Mum was the true crime fanatic. But he leant me this book and I read it in October last year and it blew me away. It was such a personal journey to uncover the truth behind this murder and was just gripping from beginning to end.  

Pick a book up that you discovered through booktube/bookstagram/book blogs. Did it live up to the hype?

I read The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides earlier this year because of how much hype it was getting all over the internet although I think I first heard about it on the booktube channel Books and Lala. I enjoy a good psychological thriller but honestly I was just kind of disappointed with this one. I thought it was just very meh as I didn't care about the characters and the twist was predictable.  

Find a book on your shelves with a one-word title. What drew you to this book? 

The first one that popped into my head was Scythe by Neal Shusterman. I've enjoyed Neal Shusterman's books before and again this series has gotten a lot of hype over the past few years. I was intrigued by a world that has conquered death and the synopsis was vague enough to get me to pick it up. I now own the entire trilogy so I'm sure I'll get round to reading this series soon.

What book did you discover through a film/TV adaptation? 


I watched the Netflix adapatation of Dumplin' by Julie Murphy and I thought it was just so fun with a really important message. I really liked the main character and the themes it included so I went and picked up the book. I haven't read it yet but I'm looking forward to when I do.

Think of your all-time favorite book(s). When did you read these and why did you pick them up in the first place?

  1. The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson has been one of my favourite books since I was around 15. I think I spotted this book on a bookshop website and I really liked the cover and the synopsis and it was really just a whim for me to ask for it for my birthday. I just really love it and I made my best friend read it at the time and she loved it too and went out and bought her own copy!
  2. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg was a book my Mum loved and passed on to me and I've read it a couple of times over the years. It's such a cosy, heartwarming read and is filled with southern charm.
  3. Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein was one I picked up in my local library and is a book that's stayed with me ever since. I loved the depiction of friendship during World War 2 and it really broke my heart reading this one.     

If you want to do this tag yourself please feel free to do so and leave a comment with your own post for me to check out! Happy Reading!  


1 comment

  1. I loved Scythe! I hope you enjoy it. I’ll have to check out that true crime book. I’ve read a few books in that genre and am eager to pick up more.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!


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