Sunday, 27 September 2020

Down The TBR Hole #3


Round 3!

The rules   

  1. Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  2. Order on ascending date added.
  3. Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if youre feeling adventurous) books. Of course if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  4. Read the synopses of the books
  5. Decide: keep it or should it go?

 By The Time You Read This by Lola Jaye

This sounds like a fairly typical adult contemporary but the synopsis isn't really drawing me in and some of the reviews are extremely mixed so I don't I'll ever actually read this book.
Verdict: Remove

Mistwood by Leah Cypess  

It's a paranormal fantasy but it might have potential? I like the idea of a shapeshifter and it sounds kinda fairytale-esque as well. I might give this a chance in the future.
Verdict: Keep

Loser/Queen by Jodi Lynn Anderson

I have enjoyed Jodi Lynn Anderson's writing in the past and this has the potential to be a good commentary on popularity.
Verdict: Keep 

Patch by Mucheru Njaga

I mentioned this about a book last week but this one only has 7 ratings on Goodreads which means I'm probably going to have to track this one down and at the end of the day I'm not bothered enough to go to that much effort.
Verdict: Remove

Mercy by Rebecca Lim

Angels and demons and the like just aren't to my tastes anymore...
Verdict: Remove

 Cloaked by Alex Flynn

I've mentioned before that I like fairytales and fairytale retellings so although I haven't read Beastly (his more famous book) this one sounds more intriguing to me. 

Verdict: Keep

The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting

I know I said I'm not keen on paranormal fantasy but this one has a serial killer and a girl who finds bodies so I feel like I have to read it now! 

Verdict: Keep

 The Glass Demon by Helen Grant

This one could be interesting but I'm not completely drawn to it. I own another of this authors books so maybe I'll read that first and see how much I enjoy her writing.
Verdict: Remove

Where The Truth Lies by Jessica Warman

I remember being very interested in this book when I first heard about it but reading the synopsis now I don't really have any strong feelings and to be honest it doesn't like anything particularly original.
Verdict: Remove

Room by Emma Donoghue

This is a no brainer, I own this book and I'm actually planning on reading it in November so it can definitely stay.
Verdict: Keep 


This Week:

Kept: 5
Removed: 5 

Kept: 15
Removed: 15
I'm keeping things pretty equal at the minute which I'm not mad about. We'll see how we get on next week though! Is there any books I removed that you think I should give a second chance? See you next week!  
(I apologise if some links for books aren't showing up, my blog editor is acting up for some reason. Trust me, it's frustrating me so much but I don't how to fix it so I've included links in the images as well and hopefully these work.)






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