Saturday, 31 October 2020

Book Tag | All About Halloween

Happy Halloween! Of course I had to figure out a way to slot in some Halloween themed book tags into this month and when better to post this tag then on Halloween? I did some googling to find some of the book tags and I discovered this one on Madame Writer although I think the original creator of this tag is Catfairy Books but their page is no longer active.

What are your favorite Halloween movies?

Starting off with one of my favourite things to talk about! I love spooky themed films although full on horror is a bit too much for me so I tend to stick to the fairly family friendly ones. I wouldn't be me if I didn't mention Hocus Pocus because at this point it's a tradition to watch it every October and it's just such a comfort movie for me and I love everything about it. Some other films I love to watch in October include Coraline, Sleepy Hollow, Halloweentown, The Craft and Scream.   

What is your favorite Halloween book?

This is more of a most recent favourite Halloween book than an all time favourite. I recently read The Haunting of Hill House in preparation for watching the Netflix adapatation and it was definitely spooky and atmospheric. I really enjoyed reading about the house, the disturbances and how it affected the inhabitants. It was very creepy and a perfect way for me to kick off my October TBR.  

What other Halloween books would you recommend?

I've only really recently got into reading horror/spooky books so I don't have tons to recommend. These three books are all ones I read this month and enjoyed for different reasons. The Woman in Black by Susan Hill is a creepy, atmospheric short story that is perfect to scare the socks off of you. A Pinch of Magic by Michelle Harrison is a fun, magical middle grade that follows three sisters on a perilous quest and is great if you want something more light-hearted but still has that magic feel. Lastly, Trick or Treat: A History of Halloween by Lisa Morton is a great non-fiction book that examines how Halloween began and it's impact on different countries and pop culture. It's really informative and was really well written.


Do you own any Halloween ugly sweaters?

I don't but now I wish I did. Ugly sweaters aren't really something that I feel like I need in my wardrobe but as a lover of Halloween I feel like I need to own at least one just so I can say that I do!

What are some of your favorite Halloween costumes?

I was nearly always a witch at Halloween as it was my favourite thing to dress up as. When I was a teenager I did go to a party dressed as Wednesday Addams and I really loved going as her as she's one of my all time favourite characters and there was a lot of black involved! I don't dress up all that much but future costume ideas include the Black Swan dress and a Voodoo doll so now I just need to get invited to some more Halloween parties! 

What are you doing for Halloween this year?

Everything is so up in the air at the minute with parts of the UK still being in lockdown and having to social distance everywhere. I'm definitely still going to be carving some pumpkins as I always love doing it even if makes our kitchen into a sticky mess! This year we're doing a pizza night with a scary movie marathon and possibly answering the door to trick or treaters if there are any. If not me and my brothers will probably just end up eating all of the sweets ourselves!

What is your favorite childhood Halloween memory?

I think Halloween in general was such a massive deal in our house as my mum loved Halloween. We'd decorate the house and carve pumpkins ready to put outside. We'd always have a pretty quick dinner and then my older sister would take me and my brother trick or treating. We'd always go to the posher neighbourhoods as they always had the best sweets and sometimes we'd get money too! Then we'd come home and sort through our stash, sometimes we'd watch a film, have hot chocolate and eat some of our sweets before bed.
If you decide to do this tag please let me know so I can check out your answers by leaving a link in the comments. Happy Reading and Happy Halloween!     

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