Sunday, 11 October 2020

Down The TBR Hole #5

It's my birthday today! I'm 24 and I can't believe i'm practically in my mid-20's! It's crazy but that's not the focus of today's post because we're back for another round of Down the TBR Hole! Ok, so I may or may not have added another 50 books to my TBR since my last post mostly due to the fact that I read a post that compiled all of the books being released this month and may have gone a bit crazy with the adding. So, I now have more books on my TBR then I started with so I'm definitely going to be a little tougher this week.

The rules   

  1. Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  2. Order on ascending date added.
  3. Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if youre feeling adventurous) books. Of course if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  4. Read the synopses of the books
  5. Decide: keep it or should it go?

Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John

The synopsis didn't immediately make me want to pick this up but it does have pretty good reviews and I'm interested to read a book with a deaf protaganist.
Verdict: Keep

I'd normally be interested in a book centered around weddings as they're usually a niche interest of mine in books but this just doesn't sound interesting to me plus the bride is only eighteen...
Verdict: Remove
The cover made me initially wary, it makes it seem very cutesy, but this has a lot of high praise especially for Hale's writing and I do like myself a fairytale retelling.
Verdict: Keep
Eva Ibbotson was one of my favourite authors when I was in my early teens but I'm just worried now that I might not enjoy the books that I don't have nostalgic feelings towards. I'm going to remove it for now but I may pick it up if I see it in my library or a secondhand shop.
Verdict: Remove
I think I'm just not interested in reading this anymore, I'm very picky with genre's like dystopian and the synopsis sounds a little boring to me.
Verdict: Remove

I don't know what it is about this book that has me so interested because the synopsis sounds like a generic mystery, maybe it's the title or the cover but I'm actually still wanting to pick this up at some point. 

Verdict: Keep

I am interested in reading some of Deb Caletti's work but right now I'm more intrigued by her more recent releases so I think I'll remove this for now and see how I get along with another of her books.

Verdict: Remove
I really don't pick up 'chick-lit' very much and although this is fairly popular in that genre and yes, I do love the film Notting Hill, I just don't see myself picking it up any time soon.
Verdict: Remove

Another wedding themed book but again, I just don't see myself getting to it anytime soon.
Verdict: Remove
I'm reading this in November as my classic for the month so whilst I'm keeping it on my TBR list it probably won't actually be on there for much longer!  
Verdict: Keep

This Week:

Kept: 4
Removed: 6 

Kept: 24
Removed: 26
I'm happy with what I got rid of this week and of what I can see of next week's books, I'll probably be removing a fair few then as well! 


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