Friday, 1 January 2021

January 2021 TBR


Happy New Year! I can't believe we're in a new year already. 2020 felt like it went so slow but sped by at the same time. Here's hoping to a better and brighter 2021!

So, I thought my reading in November was bad but it was nothing compared to the trainwreck that was December. I don't know if I was just so burned out from the rest of the year but I haven't finished a book in nearly two weeks and I'm writing this on the last day of December! Everything that I was picking up I just wasn't into and then I just didn't pick up anything for days and days. I only managed to read 6 books and one of those was a novella! Fingers crossed that I can kick off 2021 with a good reading month.

Saying that, considering I didn't manage to read that much last month, I've put 13 books on my January TBR because apparently I hate myself and want myself to suffer from a nervous breakdown! I planned out my TBR at the beginning of December when my reading was actually going well so that's why there's so much on there! 

I'm really excited about a lot of these books, particularly Legendborn by Tracy Deonn and The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. The Girl in the Tower was on my TBR last month but I just couldn't get out of my reading slump so I'm going to give it another try this month. I haven't got a non-fiction book this month but I will be reading The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick for my classic pick. 


Physical Books





That's everything on my TBR, not going to lie, I'm slightly worried but I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself and I'm aiming for at least 10 of these getting read or at the very least all of my physical books! Happy Reading, I hope you have a great start to 2021!

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