Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Top Ten Tuesday | 2021 Goals

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature that highlights ten books that all relate to a certain topic and is  hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. 

This Weeks Topic Is...

2021 Resolutions/Hopes and to be honest, I've never been particularly good at sticking to the types of things. I have a lot of motivation at the beginning but by February I've pretty much abandoned them. There are a few goals that I'd like to reach and some things I'd like to stick with but I'm not going to beat myself up to much if I don't because life. 

1. I'd like to continue/reprise my whole reading a classic a month thing because I'm one of those people who actually likes to read them. I have a whole bunch sitting on my shelves and I know that whilst I do want to read them, I'm not likely to just pick them on my own so it's a nice little reminder to get to them. 
2. I want to try and do a Goodreads review for every book I read this year which is probably asking to much from me but I want to give it a shot even if it's just a few lines or even words to sum up my feelings. I like looking back on old reviews and seeing how I felt about a book plus it's good writing practise. 
3. It's not a book buying ban but it is a stop buying so many books because you have about three hundred that you still need to read. It's going to be difficult but yep, gonna try and limit the amount of books I buy this year. I'll only be buying the occasional books from secondhand stores or if I want to buy a brand new book I have to use one of the many vouchers I own. 
4. Similarly I've decided to create a little book fund for next year. I saw someone doing this on twitter but they've set up a savings fund where they put a £1 in for every book they read and at the end of the year that money is your fund to buy books throughout the next year. I thought it was a pretty good idea and will allow me to reward myself without feeling guilty. 
5. Commenting more on other blogs is a massive goal for me. I feel so bad that I hardly comment on posts that I read because I've got it into my head that they won't care what I have to say. I need to get out of this mindset though and realise that it's always nice to get a positive comment on something you've taken the time to write.      
6. Read more books by PoC authors and LGBTQ+ authors. This is probably my biggest goal because I definitely don't read as much of these books as I should be. It's so important that these stories are read and shared so I really want to do my best to read as many of them as I can. 

What are some of you're goals for 2021? Leave a comment or link your own Top Ten Tuesday's for me to check out! Happy Reading!


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