January wasn't my best start to the year, I had a bit of a slumpy start at the beginning of the month but overall I'm happy with what I read. I've lessened the amount of books on my TBR this month by a significant amount as having too many books on there makes me feel super unaccomplished if I don't manage to get to them all. I'm taking part in a readathon this month and that's my main focus as well as getting to some of my old Netgalley ARC's as well.
I'm taking part in the next round of Pixarthon which is focusing on Toy Story and is aptly named Woody's Roundup Readathon hosted by @literarylily1. I'm joining #TeamAlsToyBarn for this and I love how much work has gone into creating this readathon, from creating the teams to how you participate. Each team has to collect a certain group of toys (each toy has a different prompt) and you can also steal toys from other teams by reading a book from someone's elses TBR. It's a lot clearer in the PDF so I'll just link that here!
Team Book • Strange the Dreamer by Lainie Taylor
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