Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Top Ten Tuesday | New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2024

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature that highlights ten books that all relate to a certain topic and is  hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. 

This Weeks Topic Is...

New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2024! I found loads of amazing authors in 2024, a few debuts and then the rest are authors with other books to discover so I thought it would be fun to highlight which of their books are on my TBR. 


Adelaide by Genevieve Wheeler and Shark Heart by Emily Habeck were both 2024 debut novels that I enjoyed immensely. These were both 5 star reads for me, extremely emotional but beautifully written. I can't wait to see what these authors bring out next!

On My TBR: The Rose Code by Kate Quinn 

The Briar Club was an engrossing female centric historical fiction that explored different women living in a boarding house in 50's Washington DC. I loved that this was told from multiple perspectives and Quinn was able to make each woman distinctive and with a story to tell. The Rose Code is probably her next book I'll pick up as I love stories about the female codebreakers in World War II.

I Read: The Hotel Nantucket by Elin Hilderbrand

On My TBR: The Five-Star Weekend by Elin Hilderbrand  

Elin Hilderbrand's books are described as the perfect summer reads and I already have to agree after only reading one book! The Hotel Nantucket was the perfect mix of romance, mystery and historical that would've been ideal for the beach. Again, I love a mix of characters in a book, each with their own story and this delivered. I loved it! I got The Five-Star Weekend in Kindle deals last year so that's up next.      

I adored The God of the Woods, an absolute easy 5 stars. A literary mystery that explores two family disappearances at a summer camp across two timelines, I loved the slower pace of this and how the mystery unfolded was excellent! Liz Moore really knows how to keep her readers engrossed so I'm excited to get to Long Bright River as soon as I can. 

I Read: Horse by Geraldine Brooks

On My TBR: March by Geraldine Brooks

Horse was a slow one for me to get into, it took me about a third of the book to be fully hooked. This was definitely my biggest surprise of the year as my historical fiction tends to be more geared towards mysteries so I didn't know whether I was going to gel with something more literary. Brooks does an excellent job of skilfully weaving heavy topics into the narrative and her characters had so much depth. Her Pulitzer Prize winner will be the next thing I pick up from her as I'm excited to see what she does with the iconic March sisters.   

I Read: Margo's Got Money Troubles by Rufi Thorpe

Margo's Got Money Troubles was equally bizarre and hilarious and I don't think I've read a novel quite like it before. It deserves all the praise it's gotten as I breezed through the story of a pregnant college dropout who turns to OnlyFans for income and ends up being managed by her ex pro-wrestler father. Such a weird premise but trust me, it works. The Knockout Queen sounds just as good! 

Like I said, I love a historical mystery and this one takes inspiration from the real life Mad Bomber who terrorized New York City in the 40s and 50s. This was a fascinating look into the life of a Rockette and the very beginning of profiling being used to catch a criminal, Davis did a great of taking real life events and mixing it in with romance and family drama. All of her books sound amazing but her latest release sounds incredible. 

I Read: A House with Good Bones by T. Kingfisher

A creepy haunted house story that was the perfect amount of horror for me. This book had me on edge the entire time and was full of surprises. What I most liked about it though was the main character, Sam was so interesting and gutsy and I loved that she worked in STEM. T. Kingfisher has plenty of books to choose from next but A Sorceress Comes to Call sounds like my kind of fantasy - I love fairytale retellings.   

All the Light We Cannot See was my favourite book of the year. Some of the most gorgeous writing I've ever come across, I was completely enchanted by this World War II novel. It's hard to think anything will top it but I'm going to give another Doerr book a go with Cloud Cuckoo Land.  

Have you read any of these or are any of them on your TBR? Leave a comment or link your own Top Ten Tuesday's for me to check out! Happy Reading!



  1. T. Kingfisher is one of my favorites - you can't go wrong with her books!

  2. I didn't think T. Kingfisher's books would be for me because they tend to sound too creepy for me but I've loved the ones I've tried so far and can't wait to explore more of her backlist. I'm also excited to try Liz Moore's books this year as I have both on my TBR. I hope you discover many more exciting new authors in 2025 :)

  3. Clever twist on the prompt. I am a fan of Anthony Doerr. I loved both of the books on your list by him!

  4. The God of the Woods sure does sound good.

  5. The Briar Club looks interesting.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. 

  6. I've been meaning to read Kate Quinn ever since she started publishing. I even own several of her books, but I STILL haven't read anything by her. Hopefully, 2025 will be the year I do! Glad you found her and all these others. It's always fun to discover new authors to love.

    Happy TTT!

  7. I hope you continue to enjoy all of these authors.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!


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