Wednesday, 29 January 2025

WWW Wednesday | 29/01/2025

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking On a World of Words that highlights three questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you'll read next?

What did you recently finish reading?

The most recent thing I finished was Wordslut by Amanda Montell at the weekend. I talked about this one a little on my Sunday post but I thought this was an interesting subject that Montell managed to make accessible but there could have been more research to back up some of her conclusions and I feel that some of the chapters could've done with more insight and focus. 

What are you currently reading?

I'm almost 70% in to We Solve Murders by Richard Osman. I knew I'd enjoy this one cause I love Osman's fast, witty writing but not sure if I'm enjoying it as much as his Thursday Murder Club series. Not sure if these characters have the same charm but it's still a fun mystery/thriller. 

I started The Writing Retreat by Julia Bartz on Sunday and I'm around 100 pages in and whilst the premise is interesting, it still hasn't fully grabbed me yet and I can already feel myself not wanting to pick it up as much as my last read. I'm going to persevere for another 50 or so pages and then unfortunately it might be a DNF...

What do you think you'll read next?

I'm hoping to get to Friends Like These by Meg Rosoff next as I've enjoyed a bunch of her books and this is her most recent release. 

New York City. June, 1982. When eighteen-year-old Beth arrives in Manhattan for a prestigious journalism internship, everything feels brand new – and not always in a good way. A cockroach-infested sublet and a disaffected roommate are the least of her worries, and she soon finds herself caught up with her fellow interns – preppy Oliver, ruthless Dan and ridiculously cool, beautiful, wild Edie.

Soon, Beth and Edie are best friends – the sort of heady, all-consuming best-friendship that's impossible to resist. But with the mercury rising and deceit mounting up, betrayal lies just around the corner. Who needs enemies … when you have friends like these?
Have you read any of these? What were your thoughts? What are you currently reading and hoping to pick up next? Leave a comment or link your own WWW Wednesdays below for me to check out! 

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