Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature that highlights ten books that all relate to a certain topic and is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
This Weeks Topic Is...
Books I'd Gladly Throw Into The Ocean. I'm guessing this is supposed to be a selection of the worst books you've ever read or books that are just plain awful. I basically just went through all the books I've read and selected all of the ones I'd given one or two stars too. It made me realise that I haven't actually read a lot of books that I truly hated, even some of the ones on this list aren't really bad just not for me.
Beau and Bett by Kathryn Berla
I really, really disliked this book when I read it two years ago. I was expecting a fluffy Beauty and the Beast retelling but my god, this book was boring. The main characters are incredibly annoying and I struggled to find anything I liked about either of them. Didn't care for the writing and the character development is next to none. It remains one of the worst books I've ever read. You can find my rant review here.
Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
I'm sorry but I hate Twilight so much. I think this kicked off my disinterest in vampires and supernatural romances because I find Bella so annoying and I don't even find Edward that good of a romantic interest plus their relationship is stupidly toxic. The books are too long, too cliche and I've tried to read this series multiple times and I'm still yet to actually complete it.
The Life and Death Parade by Eliza Wass
I remember being really excited when I borrowed this from the library but even though it was really short it still managed to annoy the crap out of me. I wanted gothic-ness and atmosphere and there was just nothing. I mean psychics and resurrections sound amazing and yet it was overshadowed by how dislikeable all of the characters were. That coupled with the messy writing meant this book landed on this list. You can read my full review here.
Fallen by Lauren Kate
Considering I'm not one for supernatural romances, I've read a fair few. Fallen was really bad though, the romance in here is so stupid and the author has tried to save the fact that they have no chemistry by having them be fated to be together. I hate angels in supernatural stories almost as much as vampires and this book is the reason why. This book is 452 pages and yet nothing of any substance happens. It's no surprise I unhauled it pretty much straight away.
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
Greek mythology and two descendents cursed to hate each other? Great. Did we get that? Nope. The whole 'I hate you' thing lasts for less then a 100 pages. Again, this is a 487 page book! (why are all of these supernatural romances SO. LONG??) I just went into this expecting something else and therefore my enjoyment of it suffered. Not a series I have any particular interest in continuing.
The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Euginides
I enjoyed The Virgin Suicides but this book definitely didn't have the same level appeal. Pretentious is the word that comes to mind when I think of this book. The way it focuses on these characters priviliged rich lives and the fact that the main female character is SO attractive and desirable got old very quickly.
Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater
The most recently read book on this list. I didn't mind The Wolves of Mercy Falls series, it was pretty average, but for some reason I just really didn't like the spin-off that focuses on Isabelle and Cole in L.A. I didn't mind their characters in the core trilogy but for some reason they were so frustrating to read about and their relationship was unbelievably toxic, I truly didn't understand how they could bare to be in each other's presence.
The Loney by Andrew Michael Hurley
Another example of wanting a gothic mystery and the content failing to deliver. I think the synopsis of this book is really misleading and the plot just drags on. I was so bored. I still can't believe I finished this one, I remember putting it down and thinking 'what a waste of time'. I was very confused throughout and it was just not a book I enjoyed.
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
I think this may be a case of needing to re-read this book as an adult because as a teenager studying it in school, I just couldn't find much to like about it. I remember being bored and not liking the characters plus the ending really upset me. I might throw this into the ocean and then wade in and fish it back out again for another try.
Caraval by Stephanie Garber
Scarlett is one of the most annoying main characters I've ever read about. I just wanted The Night Circus vibes but the content here is weak in comparison. There's too much focus on the pointless romance then there is about the mystery or fantasy elements. Wishy washy writing + confusing direction + dislikeable characters = not a good book.
Twilight was on my list, too!
ReplyDeleteMy post:
I didn't make a list with books, but if I did, Twilight would have probably been on it because of all the reasons you listed!
ReplyDeleteI actually have THE LIFE AND DEATH PARADE on my shelf right now. I picked it up at a used bookstore and have yet to read it. Hopefully it won't annoy me as much as it did you!
ReplyDeleteHappy TTT!