Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Top Ten Tuesday | I Really Wish I Had These Characters Jobs

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature that highlights ten books that all relate to a certain topic and is  hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. 

This Weeks Topic Is...

Characters Whose Job I Wish I Had and I love this prompt because there's nothing better then imagining yourself in all kinds of crazy occupations. Books always seem to have the best career choices for their characters because let's face it, all rules are just thrown out the window when it comes to fiction. Somehow I didn't go to crazy with my choices (I stopped myself from adding the obvious book store owner or librarian) but these are jobs that in an alternate life I could definitely see myself enjoying. Even if it's just for the amount of time it takes for me to read the book!

The Heartbreak Bakery by A. R. Capetta   

The Job: Baker 

I can fully hold my hands up and say that whilst I love doing it (most of the time), I'm really not the best at baking. Or cooking. Or anything really food related. Let's be honest though, the best part about baking is being able to eat the finished product. I'd love to be a pro baker, being able to come up with new flavour combinations and being surrounded by the glorious smell of sugar.
(Oh, btw this is a new release coming out in october about an agender teen baker with a fantastical element connected to her baking and you need to add it to your TBR's like right now!)

I Hope You're Listening by Tom Ryan   

The Job: True Crime Podcast Host  

I almost exclusively listen to true crime podcasts when I'm searching for something to kill a little time because I apparently have a very morbid side of me. I love delving deeper into murders and mysteries, compiling all the facts, hearing eyewitness accounts and connecting all the evidence. I think i'd have so much fun (maybe a little too much fun) hosting my own podcast to talk all things dark and twisty although there's a lot of competition out there. My favourite podcasts at the moment include Casefile, Anatomy of a Murder and The Vanished Podcast. 

The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon   

The Job: Radio Talk Show Host

I think I may be a bit too introverted for this one, I can see myself freezing up when I really should be chatting away. But it just sounds so fun to sit in a studio for a couple of hours, playing some music, chatting to phone in's and guests and realistically talking about some really random crap. I may not want to have to sit in a small space and talk relationship advice with my ex though, I think I'll stick to reading this book instead. 

Spin by Colleen Nelson    

The Job: Record Shop Owner 

If I can't own a bookstore then I'd kill to own a record store, I'm just going to pretend that we're still living in the 80's/90's. Vinyl is a novelty now but if I could time travel it would be incredibly cool to own a record store or even just to work in one. Music is a huge part of my life and always has been so to be surrounded so many different artists and genre's would be amazing. I'm imagining Empire Records when I think about this fantasy btw, and that included AJ too. 

Going Underground by Susan Vaught   

The Job: Grave Digger

This is probably the most random one on here but for some reason when I came across this book when I was clearing out my TBR shelf, I just thought to myself how cool would it be to work in a cemetary? It's my morbid side emerging again. I don't think I'd be any good at it and I'd probably prefer maintaining the grounds and the graves then actually digging them...   

The Wedding Planner by Melanie La'Brooy

The Job: Wedding Planner (duh)

Look, I've been planning my future wedding since I was fifteen and it brings me great joy to do it. I love weddings and dresses and vows and the whole shebang. Getting to plan someone else's big day is a lot of pressure but boy, would it be fun getting to see a vision come to life. For now though I'll just have to be happy with creating endless pinterest boards to satisfy this dream. 

Joyland by Stephen King  

The Job: Fairground Worker 

This would have been my dream summer job as a teenager and I'm very jealous that fairs and carnivals aren't more of a thing here in the UK. I love the atmosphere when you enter an amusement park, everyone is there to have a good time and it's buzzing with excitement. The smell of fried food lingers in the air and the screams of joy of people on the rides. There's something just very nostalgic and summery about working in that kind of environment. 

Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid               

The Job: Rockstar

The ultimate dream; to tour the world with your very own rock n roll band. Major points if it's during the 70's or 80's. I think this is a fantasy everyone has at some point in their life, wanting to be famous and successful whilst making music and memories. I love the idea of my job revolving around singing and touring but that lifestyle quickly becomes dark and destructive in the Hollywood environment. I like to just focus on the fame and fortune part rather then all the downfalls!

Love, Nina: Despatches from Family Life by Nina Stibbe     

The Job: Nanny

I'm currently training to be a primary school teacher and therefore I've always know I wanted to work with kids, surprisingly nanny has actually come up a few times as a viable option but I think that time has probably passed for me now. I can see this being a super chaotic but fun job, in my head at least, and I like to imagine myself travelling abroad and living with a quirky family and looking after children. Also if the film The Nanny Diaries is anything to go by, there'll be a Chris Evans in there somewhere too. 

Working Stiff: Two Years, 262 Bodies and the Making of a Medical Examiner by Judy Melinek & T.J. Mitchell  

The Job: Medical Examiner

We're ending on another of my morbid fascinations and that's working in some kind of forensic pathology career. I'm not squeamish so I think i'd fare pretty well in the actual handling of the bodies and it just sound so interesting. Helping to solve murders and mysterious deaths through autopsies and crime scenes. I was actually adamant that this would be my future career at one point but then I realised I was shit at science and would never get into a university course with my grade 🤷. 

What are some jobs in books you'd love to have? Did you actually end up on any of these career paths? Leave a comment or link your own Top Ten Tuesday's for me to check out! Happy Reading!



  1. Honestly, I'd love to listen to an introverted radio show host. Some of the extroverted ones are a bit too loud and boisterous for my ears. (No offense to extroverts out there! :) )

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-characters-whose-job-i-wish-i-had/

  2. Primary teacher is the best job! I did that for many, many years. Those teachers loves their jobs so much they never leave.

    But maybe a baker, too...

  3. I'm a fairly average baker also, but it would be such a fun job, if only just for eating the finished products!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2021/03/02/top-ten-tuesday-305/

  4. Bakery owner does sound like a yummy job. I'm sure it's stressful in real life, but in fiction, it definitely seems fun.

    Happy TTT!

  5. Daisy Jones made my list this week too! And I keep seeing so many good things about The Ex Talk, I really need to pick it up :)

  6. Rockstar would be so fun. Baker is more my style.


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