Thursday, 18 March 2021

Book Review | The One by John Marrs

Publication Date: May 4th 2017 by Del Rey
Format: Owned Physical
Target Audience: Adult 


How far would you go to find The One?

A simple DNA test is all it takes. Just a quick mouth swab and soon you’ll be matched with your perfect partner—the one you’re genetically made for.

That’s the promise made by Match Your DNA. A decade ago, the company announced that they had found the gene that pairs each of us with our soul mate. Since then, millions of people around the world have been matched. But the discovery has its downsides: test results have led to the breakup of countless relationships and upended the traditional ideas of dating, romance and love.

Now five very different people have received the notification that they’ve been “Matched.” They’re each about to meet their one true love. But “happily ever after” isn’t guaranteed for everyone. Because even soul mates have secrets. And some are more shocking than others…



My Thoughts

“Sometimes, the grass is not greener on the other side, and we should stay in the field where we belong. And sometimes we just need to take a gamble and hope for the best.”

I initially only started this book because the day before the Netflix series was released I realised that it was based on a book and that book was sitting about three feet from me. So, I figured I may as well try and cram it in before I started the adaptation and I'm actually really glad I did because this was a thriller unlike anything I'd ever read. 

Match Your DNA is a simple little test that will allow you to find your genetic soulmate and therefore the promise of happily ever after is all but guarenteed but through following five different people who've taken the test and been matched, nothing is truly what it seems when it comes to love. 

If you pick up this novel prepared to be completely sucked into the narrative within about 20 pages because that's all it took with me. The pacing is lightning fast and you really don't get time to breathe so maybe make sure you have a couple of hours spare first! Marrs chose a really clever way to format this book, we get a couple of pages per each POV before we circle back round again which meant that I was whizzing through in order to get to specific parts to find out what happened next. It was almost like someone cut up an anthology of five stories and then glued them back together intermittently. I also liked that the characters weren't connected in any way, it allowed for us to seperate their journey's and really feel how the dna test has affected them specifically.   

Each character's plot line is interesting in it's own way. Some are more dramatic then others but they all have a strong theme of love and what it means for each of us. I found myself preferring certain POV's over others at the beginning but surprisingly by the end the one's I'd been not as bothered about ended up being the stories that I most enjoyed. I'll also mention that one I liked at the start (I won't say which), I didn't feel was a necessary inclusion by the end. I can see why it was in there but at the same time if it hadn't have been I don't anything would be missing. Each story is incredibly unique though and they all had their merits. 

Filled with an endless amount of twists and turns, at times I was left with my mouth hanging open, this is such a creative and well thought out novel. The way it explored how as humans we connect with each other and how dependent we've come to be on technology to help us find love was so interesting, it leaves you with a lot to think about the direction dating apps are going in too. If you're a fan of Black Mirror then there's a lot here for you to enjoy and is a book that I can see sticking with me.


1 comment

  1. I've never even heard of this until the other day when I found out about the Netflix show! It sounds good and the fact you liked it so much...maybe I'll read it before I watch it! Great review :)


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