Sunday, 2 June 2019

June 2019 TBR

So this is my pretty ambitious June TBR especially when you consider the fact that ebooks aren't included in the photo above. I didn't expect to check out this many library books but I saw so many YA's on the shelf that I wanted to read and I just couldn't help myself! Let's just pray to the reading gods that I manage to make my way through this pile without having a breakdown! (Also, let's excuse the fact that this photo was taken on my slightly grimy windowsill, I have no idea where else to take my photos. My house is sadly lacking in pretty backdrops!).   

Library Books

Owned Books


I sure do like making life difficult for myself. This is probably going to be the first month where I have a fully structured TBR as usually I read the library books I've checked out and then maybe one or two mood reads from the books I already own. However, I really do need to start reading all the books on my TBR shelf so I've created myself a little (Ha!) TBR box (I didn't have a jar so a box will have to do!) and I'm going to be picking my upcoming reads from that. This month I got Stolen by Lucy Christopher and Sisters Red by Jackson Pierce both of which i've owned for far too long.

My classic for the month will be The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, I think it's about time I got around to reading this especially when you consider the fact that I've already been watching the tv series, oops.

And finally my non-fiction book of the month will be Teenage: The Creation of Youth Culture by Jon Savage, this was a library find and looks so interesting but it is absoutely huuuge so wish me luck!  

What are you planning on reading in June? Have you read any on my TBR? Leave a comment or link your own June TBR's for me to check out! 

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