I appear to have acquired quite a few books during the month of June which will be added to my never ending TBR list and whilst I'm super excited to finally own some of these books who knows when I'll even get round to reading them. I definately need to start prioritising my reading choices but then I feel so guilty thinking about all those books I've owned for years and still haven't read. Don't worry, I will get to them eventually, it just might take a few years!

These books were the result of two trips to Waterstones where I finally
started breaking into the vouchers I got for Christmas (totalling around
nearly £100's worth) and decided to take full advantage of their 'buy
one book, get another half price deal'. I'm very excited to read some of
these as they've been on my mental TBR for quite some time. I'm also
going to apologise for how crap my grass looks but it was so sunny that
day that I decided to take these photos outside for a change and make
use of the sunlight.

I picked up Caraval by Stephanie Garber as I'd seen it described as being similar to The Night Circus which I loved. I'm always very intrigued by books that deal with with magical fantasy, I tend to stay away from pure fantasy though as I much prefer contemporaries or mysteries, so I'm hoping this will give me the same kind of joy I got with The Night Circus. I also picked up the The Disappearance by Emily Bain Murphy on a complete whim as I'd never heard of this book before but the blurb sounded interesting so coupled with that gorgeous cover, I decided to give it a go. My mum actually picked up Carrie by Stephen King for me as she knew how much I want to start reading more of Stephen Kings books so I'm very grateful to her for grabbing me this.
I'm so glad I bought The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas cause after seeing the trailer I'm now even more excited. It looks like a fantastic film and I'm glad that these issues are finally being discussed and the book and the film are provoking important conversations that need to be had. I've heard nothing but good things about They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera. It has such an interesting premise which makes me excited to see what happens throughout the course of the book. I absolutely adore Morgan Matson's books, they're the perfect summery contemporaries and Save The Date mixes that with one of my favourite things; weddings.

Finally I picked up Final Girls by Riley Sager to fill my need for a good thriller. I love the premise of the book and I also think it'd make for a really good film, anyone else? Finally, something a bit different but I saw 712 More Things To Write About was reduced to half price and I couldn't resist picking it up as I really want to start writing more and this book has some seriously good prompts.

I took my niece a few weeks ago to register her with our local library and decided to have a browse whilst we were there and was pleasantly suprised at their selection of young adult releases. I couldn't resist picking up a few that I've been dying to read for a while. I've actually read three of them a the time I'm writing this and I'm halfway through the fourth so I might put up a mini roundup of my thoughts on them soon.
So, those are all the books I managed to acquire throughout June. Have you read any of these or are any on your TBR list? I'd love to hear your thoughts on them so drop a comment below!
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