Saturday, 13 January 2018

Recent Purchases #1

I’m one of those incredibly nosey people who love seeing what other people have been buying and loving recently. I’m hoping these mini haul posts will become a regular thing on the blog as they’re some of my favourite posts to read. I’m going to apologise for my photo’s now though, I’m still working my way around my camera. It also doesn’t help that my room at uni only has one window which is directly in front of my bed so there’s only one good spot to take pictures with natural light. Hopefully there’ll be an improvement soon as I figure out where’s best to take pictures.

I popped into Primark with some friends after uni as I was in desperate need of some black trousers and black t-shirts for my placement that began the next day. I found the perfect trousers but unfortunately their black t-shirt options were lacking though I managed to find one or two after a lot of rummaging around. Whilst I was in there I found this gorgeous backpack which for £10 I thought was an absolute bargain and have immediately made it my go to everyday bag. I also picked up a small packet of Proper Corn to relieve those salty cravings which I think was around 70p.

My friend also wanted a quick search in Superdrug so of course I had to pick up a few bits as well. I really wanted to try some kind of makeup cleanser but wasn’t sure if micellar water was what I wanted so instead I chose the Garnier Natural Rose Cleansing Milk which promises to soothe skin whilst removing makeup which was £3.49. I then picked up something else to treat my face with a Superfruits Exfoliating Mask with raspberry, cranberry and blueberry (sounds divine!) for 99p. 

 My lips have been feeling a little dry lately so I wanted to try something to improve that, I spotted the Nivea lip balms for £1.29 and was sold when I saw they did a peach scented one. I’ve been using this every day and it’s left my lips feeling really soft and it has the most gorgeous smell of any lip balm I’ve tried before. I also wanted to expand my nail polish collection and I’m already a Barry M fan so I bought the Sunset Gel in The Way You Make Me Teal which is a really gorgeous blue green shade which I can’t wait to put on my nails. It does say to use the Sunset Topcoat which I think I’ll buy before trying this shade. I also won 200 points on my health & beauty card which i'm super happy about.   

I also made a little Lush pitstop. I wasn’t planning on buying anything originally, but I spotted the hair treatments and thought about giving one a go. After a chat with a sales assistant she instead pointed out the shampoo bars which she thought would work better with my hair type. I decided to go with Soak and Float which is packed with cade oil and juniper to help with such things as dandruff (which I suffer with massively) as well as rose and marigold petals to soothe the scalp. This was £6.50 but I also picked up a little silver tin to store it in which was an extra £2.50. 

A different Primark run, this one was before Christmas, but I love it so much I’ve decided to include it. I spotted the Hufflepuff pillow and couldn’t not pick it up as I’m pretty much obligated to buy anything with my Hogwarts house on it. This now has pride of place on my bed and was only £4.

 Finally, I popped into Matalan with my sister and saw they had a whole shelf full of reduced items. I picked up a 3 pack of pens which I thought if they don’t end up being used they’ll be perfect for blog props and they were only £1. I also grabbed the last of these little bowls, they’re hand painted and completely adorable with tasty snacks painted on the side (didn't manage to get a good picture) and this was only £1.50 so an absolute bargain to be honest.

So, those are some recent purchases I’ve made. I’m a curious person so if you post hauls I’d love to check them out. Leave links below and I’ll try have a look!    

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1 comment

  1. mmhmmm the garnier milk smells sooooo good right?! im also loving those new nivea lip balms too, they make me lips so soft and i love the subtle colours it gives too!

    adore the hufflepuff pillow!!

    katie. xx


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