Sunday 2 June 2024

Stacking the Shelves | May 2024

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality that highlights all the books you've recently added to your shelves. Here's all the books I hauled in May!  

Just the one library book this month and it's a current read as well. Was hoping to make a library trip last week but my brother has hurt his foot which means he's currently not driving so hopefully I can do one next weekend instead. 

A fair few physical books this month! Some pre-orders arrived along with my first Evernight horror book, I absolutely adore the cover. It has such an old-school comic vibe that I love. I also had a quick scan in the charity shops one day and came out with some gems.   

Hi, my name's Bobby and I have no control when it comes to buying eBooks on sale...

What have you hauled over the last month or even week? Leave a comment or leave a link to your own hauls down below. Happy Reading!

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