Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Top Ten Tuesday | Books On My Spring 2022 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature that highlights ten books that all relate to a certain topic and is  hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. 

This Weeks Topic Is...

Books on my Spring 2022 TBR! Hey, it's been a while since I did one of these posts but I've of course had no time for blogging really plus recent topics haven't struck any inspiration in me. I always like these topics though as it gives me a chance to do a rough plan of books I'd like to get to in the coming weeks. 

The Outlaws Scarlett & Browne by Jonathan Stroud

I've recently started making use of my library again and spotted this one on the shelves on my last visit. I actually had it on my Amazon wish list but decided to just pick it up then and there instead. I'm looking forward to this exciting sounding adventure of two teens on the run set in a dystopian England. There's also a mention of 'gunfights and monsters colliding' which I'm especially looking forward to! 

Escape Room by Christopher Edge  

Waterstones had a double stamps offer on on World Book Day which I took full advantage of along with my endless collection of gift cards and as I was in the mood for some adventure type middle grade, this one went straight in my basket. I love doing escape rooms so a book that centres on a group of kids that have to make their way through various rooms solving puzzles in order to save the world sounded so incredibly fun. I can't wait to read this one!

Gullstruck Island by Frances Hardinge   

I know hardly anything about this book, only that it's written by Frances Hardinge who I've read from before. The Lie Tree was just ok but A Skinful of Shadows was a five star read for me so I've been eager to pick up more from this author since. A quick scan of the synopsis promises a sisterly relationship, a jungle island setting, prophets, tribes and bounty hunters.   

I'm finding myself more and more drawn to adult literary fiction especially ones that focus on young women and self-discovery. I borrowed this on a whim from the Libby app although it's not a book I've heard anything about. Three best friends examine how different their lives are now compared to ten years ago and how our expectations for love, careers and motherhood will never be truly met. 

Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay

BooksandLala recently did a video recommending her favourite audiobooks and I knew I had a few audible credits that needed to be used so I bought this one as she said it was a brilliant non-fiction read. I'd definitely heard of this book and author but hadn't yet found myself picking anything up. I'm always up for some essays on feminism and the impact of popular culture. 

Adults by Emma Jane Unsworth   

Another random find in the library. The MC is a good ten years older then me but I'm hoping because I enjoyed Ghosts by Dolly Alderton, this will give me the same vibes with a humorous and relatable look at the life of someone who's life isn't perfect and who still has a ton of growing up to do. The reviews aren't amazing but I'm remaining optimistic.  

The Rest of the Story by Sarah Dessen    

I haven't read a Sarah Dessen book in a good few years but I was in the mood for some contemporary and I knew this was an author I had enjoyed before. I'm looking forward to some childhood friends to lovers goodness, a sweet summery romance and a dash of hard-hitting realism. 

I'm trying to make an effort to read more books set away from the UK/USA and this middle grade fantasy set in The Himalayas sounds all kinds of magical and vibrant. The cover is absolutely stunning, (I'm now wishing I had a physical copy instead of an eBook) and if I enjoy this one there's two other books by this author with similar themes that also sound interesting. 

In An Instant by Suzanne Redfearn   

I had actually started this one and got about just over 10% in before I put it down and I haven't picked it back up even though I was liking it. Therefore I want to go back to it at some point and give it a proper go especially as it's my pick for a POPSUGAR reading challenge prompt; read a book set in the afterlife. A car crash ends a teenagers life and suspends her between worlds where she watches the aftermath of those who survived the crash. A lot of people have loved it so I'm hopeful I will too. 

One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London

After reading The Hating Game in January, I'm eager to try out more adult romance and remembered I'd bought this in a kindle sale last year. The Bachelor franchise is a guilty pleasure of mine so a book set in this world with a plus size girl as the main star has me so excited. A MC reluctant to fall in love, sexy suitors and body positivity? I'm ready!

What books are you reading this spring? Have you read any on my list? Leave a comment or link your own Top Ten Tuesday's for me to check out! Happy Reading!


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