Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Clear Your Shit Readathon v2.0 TBR

As my reading has been exponentially crap over the last few months (I read 4 books in October, 4! And it's my favourite month for reading!), I'm taking off a load of pressure from myself and taking it easy for the last two months of the year. I really liked the look of the Clear Your Shit Readathon last year, it looked fun and a good way to get to all the books that have been pushed to the back of your shelves. The narrator also sounds hilarious! So this is gonna be my focus for November and December, getting through a load of books that I've been meaning to before 2022. Here's a link to the twitter page and the website for all the information if you want to take part too.

The way it works (from what I can gather) is that there are a total of 24 prompts, some have already been released and there's a mixture of mystery prompts, free book spaces and boss battles. There's a storyline theme with three prompts being released each work that correspond with the story. It sounds complicated but the prompts are simple and up for interpretation, you also don't have to do all the prompts and you can double/triple up where you want to. I have chosen a different books for each prompt but I have absolutely no idea if I'll get to all of them. I'm just hoping I can start reading more then 4 books a month again!

The Prompts         

2. A Book Where People Go On a Journey La Belle Sauvage (The Book of Dust #1) by Philip Pullman 
3. A Book That Was Recommended to You The Damned Utd by David Peace 
4. A Book People Talk About A Lot Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid  
5. Shortest Book Unexplained by Robert Keller
6. Steal a Book From Someone Else's TBR This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron  
7. A Book with Gold, Silver or Bronze on the Cover These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong   

10. A Book with an Animal Infinite Sky by C.J. Flood  
11. Mystery Prompt
12. Free Book Space Holding Up the Universe by Jennifer Niven  
13. A Fantasy Book Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr  
14. A Book with a Purple Cover Ultraviolet by R.J. Anderson 
15. A Book with a Female or Non-Binary Main Character The Power by Naomi Alderman
16. An Intimidating Book The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

17. Mystery Prompt
18. Free Book Space In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren  
19. Read a Book You Don't Remember the Details of The Neighbour by Fiona Cummins
20. A Book with Water Themes or Elements Between by Jessica Warman 
21. Read a Book with a Group Cast  The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater 
22. Free Book Space A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens  
24. Boss Battle 

Ok, so it's a lot! But it is spread out over two months and like I said, I'm not putting any pressure on myself mostly because my work hours are actually going up to 9 hours a day which doesn't leave me with a ton of reading time. Gonna try my best but I'm hoping to get to at least half of these! Are you participating in the Clear Your Shit readathon? What does your TBR look like? Leave me a comment down below and happy reading!

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