Saturday, 4 September 2021

Stacking the Shelves | August 2021

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by 
Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality that highlights all the books you've recently added to your shelves. Here's all the books I hauled in August! 

I couldn't pass up the chance to get the first three books in the Graceling Realm series for £5! I've wanted to read this series for a while and at that price how could I not especially when these covers are so beautiful! (Just realised I put them in the wrong order though 🙈.)

My July Owlcrate also arrived this month and I'm so excited to read this book at some point. I also treated myself to two new books I'd been eyeing up for a while after I got through a difficult and stressful week of work! Heard incredible things about both of those too.

I'm on two blog tours in September, a YA mystery/thriller set in a small town haunted by a mining disaster 16 years previously and a middle grade fantasy about a young boy dealing with the death of his grandfather and the curse of the wolf that stole his soul. Can't wait to read both of these and get my reviews up in the coming weeks. 

Lastly, we have my only ebook for the month which was my Amazon First Reads pick. I've been struggling with the choices Amazon have for this though as the majority of them just aren't books I'd normally pick up but obviously I don't want to pass up the chance of a free book!

What have you hauled over the last month or even week? Leave a comment or leave a link to your own hauls down below. Happy Reading!

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