I’ve wanted to start a blog for years. There’s been times
where I’ve created one, posted once or twice and then completely forgotten
about it or just lost interest. But today I’ve decided to take the plunge and stick
to it this time.
So, why now? Well, I’m starting university in just under two
weeks and I wanted somewhere to document this new chapter in my life. I knew I’d
struggle to keep a written diary due to countless failed attempts in the past
but I also like the idea of sharing my thoughts and feelings with the world. I’ve
seen how close the blogger community has become and hopefully I might become
part of it one day.
This is going to be a daunting task, keeping up to date with
a blog whilst also immersing myself into uni life but hopefully I’ll be up for
the challenge. Whether it ends up staying my own little secret or if by some
miracle I actually get people reading my posts, I’m so excited to see what
happens with this blog.
A little bit about me
My name is Bobby, short for Roberta. I’ve always hated my
name, I think it’s too old-fashioned and cursed my dad for choosing it. Slowly
but surely though I’m coming round and sometimes I even like that it’s a little
I’m 20 years old but I wouldn’t blame you for thinking I was
a lot younger. I have such a baby face and have even got someone thinking I was
as young as twelve. My mum says I’ll be thankful for it one day, when I’m 40
and everyone thinks I’m younger! Right now though it can be a bit of a pain.
I’m an avid reader and will read pretty much anything you
put in front of me. I’m gonna guess that I have about 60+ books sitting on my
to be read shelf, some that have been there for years and I still haven’t gotten
around to reading them. It probably doesn’t help that I take regular trips to the
library so I end up with even more books then I need.
Hopefully I’ll have a proper post uploaded soon but until
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