Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Top Ten Tuesday | Favourite Childhood Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature that highlights ten books that all relate to a certain topic and is  hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Weeks Topic Is... 

Favourite Childhood Books and this was such a trip down memory lane. I loved looking up all those books I loved when I was younger, so much nostalgia rediscovering books I loved but had forgotten about. I can't wait to read some of these to my neice when she's a bit older and hopefully they'll become some of her childhood favourites as well.

The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton

I absolutely adored this children's series but I think this was my favourite out of all of them. I just loved discovering all of the lands hidden within the tree and the creatures living there and it was so magical and there are so many happy memories attached to this book. I'm actually quite sad that I have no idea what happened to my copy of this, I moved house so much during my childhood I guess it just got lost somewhere. I can't wait to read this to my children in the future and hope they love it as much as I did.

The Tiger Who Came To Tea by Judith Kerr 

This is just such a brilliant picture book and I'm so happy it's been passed from generation to generation and that it's still as popular now as it was when I was a kid. Judith Kerr was a gem of an author and I was so saddened to hear of her passing but all of her children's books will stand the test of time.

Harry Potter Series by J. K. Rowling

Would this list even be complete without mentioning Harry Potter? I don't think so and I will grab any opportunity to shout about how much these books mean to me. I can't put into words how much I love these books and they will remain one of the biggest (if not the biggest) parts of my childhood.


Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild

I remember my Mum introducing me to these books as were some of her favourites when she was growing up and they just ignited a love of dance for me. I can remember begging my mum to let me take ballet lessons and then prancing around the house for hours. It really is special to be able to share love for books with your parents.

Clarice Bean Series by Lauren Child

I can't even remember how I initially came across these books, I guess my mum must of bought them for me but I loved them so much. They were so wacky and I found them absolutely hilarious. They've also got some great illustrations to accompany the story.

Matilda by Roald Dahl 

Roald Dahl books were a huge part of my childhood and I devoured every single thing he wrote from George's Marvellous Medicine to hs autobiography Boy but Matilda was by far my favourite. I loved being able to read about this little girl who loved reading and books just as much as I did. The book, and the film as well, remain some of favourites to this day.

Ally's World Series by Karen McCombie

The next couple of books were some of my favourites as I entered into my pre-teens so when I was around 11/12. The Ally's World books were a series I discovered just browsing through my local library and I immediately found myself encaptured by the characters and they were just so much fun and completely mad. I ended up begging for the entire series for my birthday and I still own my copies cause I can't bare to give them away!

Back Home by Michelle Magorian

I must have read and re-read this book about twenty times within the space of a year or two. I went through a period where I read every historical children's book I could get my hands on and I especially loved books set within or just after World War 2. This is another that I can't remember what happened to my copy but from compiling this list I really want to re-read it now so might have to go out and buy another copy.

Anything written by Jacqueline Wilson

Were you even a teenage girl in the UK if you weren't obsessed with Jacqueline Wilson's books? There was just something about all of her books that I just devoured and I was always so excited to learn when she had a new book coming out. I'm so happy that she's still writing books and I hope she continues for a long time. Some of my favourites included My Sister Jodie, The Lottie Project and The Diamond Girls.

Journey To The River Sea by Eva Ibbotson

I was so enchanted by the descriptions of the Amazon Rainforest in this book, the setting felt so real and it was one of my first introductions to foreign settings in children's books. This is another one that I've been meaning to re-read for a while now although my copy is a bit battered now!

Have you read any of the books on my list this week? What books do you want to read this summer? Leave a comment or link your own Top Ten Tuesday's for me to check out!


  1. Matilda has been on tons of lists this week. I think that's wonderful.

    My TTT.

  2. Never read Ballet Shoes, but do think the film adaptation is precious. :)


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